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Ibrahim and Ismail Amaana.orgEid Mubarak! When you trust God you will be uplifted!

Eid-ul Adha – Festival of Offering, where Muslims all over the world remember the tough sacrifice Hazrat Ibrahim (Abraham) had to make and was rewarded by God by sparing Ismail and making him an example for us to follow in our lives — when we choose to trust and submit to God’s will, all ends well.

Eid-ul Adha is celebrated on the 10th of the month of Zul-Hijja after pilgrims complete their Hajj to the Kabbah and follow the footsteps of Prophet Abraham’s wife, Bibi Hajar when she was left in the valley of Mecca with Ismail by Hazrat Ibrahim. Families and Jamat get together to recite the morning prayers and then there is feasting, exchanging of gifts and rejoicing.

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Eid Celebrations

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Eid ul-Adha – The Celebration of the Submission to the will of God