Till this day no prophet had claimed to perfect the religion. Our Holy Prophet, the Seal of all Prophets, was the first to claim the perfection of religion. This he did only after introducing Imamat to the gathered pilgrims. The message delivered at Ghadir-e-Khumm was so important that he directed those who were present to convey it to those who were absent so that it might be carried to all succeeding generations.

  This momentous historical event is even witnessed by such great Sunni authorities as
Imam Hanbal, one of the great Sunni Imams, in his well-known book Masnad-al Qabeer; by Az-Zuhri, a notable historian and compiler of hadith; and by Nasai and Bukhari, Sunni compilers of Hadith. Imam Hanbal writes about it on the authority of Barra bin Azib, who was one of the companions of our Holy Prophet, and Nasal and Bukhari on the authority of another companion named Zaid bin Aqram.

  This most memorable day is celebrated to this day over the centuries by the Shi'a Muslims on 18th day of Zu'l-Hidja and is known as 'Eid-e-Ghadir'. This is an important celebration for us because we believe in the Living Imam who is directly descended from Hazrat Ali, whom the Prophet declared as the 'Mowla of the mu'mins' at Ghadir-e-Khumm.

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